
OSB AG became ALTEN Consulting Services GmbH on July 3, 2023, after the company had already become part of the globally operating Engineering & IT Services Group, ALTEN Group, in 2021.

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Energy Technology Expertise at ALTEN Consulting Services GmbH

Support in Energy Technology Projects

Hardly any other industrial sector is subject to such dynamic change as the field of energy technology. While we still need to continue using “old” energy sources and technologies, renewable energies and the innovations associated with these have become of paramount importance. We know what it takes to master projects involving this balancing act and to bring them successfully to fruition. The services which our experts offer our energy customers include the following: 

  • Calculation | Simulation
  • Electrical Design
  • Functional Development
  • Design 
  • Production Engineering
  • Project Management 
  • Process Planning 
  • Quality Management
  • Software Development
  • Software Testing
  • Technical Documentation
  • Test and Measurement Technology

This is only a selection of our competencies in the area of Energy Technology. 

Talk to us - we are happy to help!